Hi! This is Deb, from the Zapier blog team. We love our jobs a weird amount, but it’s easy to forget to reflect on that—to think about all the awesome stuff that our team accomplished/learned/felt good about in a given week. So my colleague Krystina created a “WinBot”—a Slack bot, powered by Zapier, that automatically encourages us to share our wins at the end of every week.
Here’s what it looks like:

You can choose your bot icon (ours is my perfect dog WINston), set it to rotate the GIF every week (you can even exclude NSFW options), and have the message say whatever you want (uh, also SFW please). Here’s the Zap Krystina used to set it up.
Get weekly reminders in Slack
Aat Zapier, we’ve been remote for a decade, so we know that building culture on a remote team can be exhausting. But if you let the robots help you—and encourage you to celebrate your wins—it makes it feel much more natural. Yep, the bots make it natural. Who knew.
Do you use automation to help build culture on your team? Let me know in the comments!