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Automate your PR to avoid missed opportunities

Automate your PR to avoid missed opportunities
  • Zapier Staff
  • 4 replies

Hi there—it’s Deb, from the Zapier blog. We’ve published a bunch of content on the blog recently about PR—everything from how to prepare for interviews to how to navigate a successful PR campaign

Angel Lawery is a PR specialist who works to get her clients noticed, and she wrote about her suggestion to automate part of the PR process. Of course, PR is all about relationship-building, but in order to make those connections, you need to be available whenever people reach out. So Angel suggests setting up a press page, including a contact form and even a scheduling tool, and then saving all the email address you collect—automatically.

An automated PR process can help avoid missed opportunities

What other parts of your PR process do you automate? If you have a tip, we might be able to feature you on the blog!

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