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Automate your conscientiousness: create a reminder bot

  • September 3, 2021
  • 1 reply
Automate your conscientiousness: create a reminder bot
  • Zapier Staff
  • 4 replies


Deb here, from the Zapier blog. 

I'm super conscientious, and a little judgmental, so I do get some satisfaction from reminding people to do things they said they would do and then didn't do. But...only to a point.

When something has to happen every day, it's no longer fun to give those reminders. Example: the blog team needs our engineers to do a deploy once a day. But here's the thing: engineers have better things to do than "do a deploy" (not gonna lie, I don't actually know what that means), so they tended to...not do it. We started to manually remind them (VERY NICELY), but after a while, we realized we were being the robot instead of building the robot.


So I made a Zap that every day at 9:00 a.m. PT sends the engineers a Slack message reminding them to deploy.


The bot does my reminding for me. I still get the satisfaction since I made the bot, but I don't have to actually do anything about it.

Of course, I also have reminder bots for myself—that's how I got so conscientious. I recommend setting up a few reminder bots (for yourself and for others) so you get the ping where you need it most: Slack, text message, email, you name it.

What do you use a bot to remind yourself to do? Let me know in the comments, and we might feature you on the blog!

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