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Why are initial payments not showing in Zap history after reconnecting?

  • 15 August 2024
  • 2 replies

If i dont use my zap connection for a day the first and second payments are not showing in the zap, i connected my website to google sheet and i have to click reconnect after that it sends the values but the first ones does not even show up in the zap history why would this happen

Hi there @opstarix,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Before we dig deeper into this, would you mind sharing a detailed screenshot of how your Zap is configured? Also, please send a screenshot of the “Action” section of your action step that shows all of its fields. Like so:

(view larger)

Please don't include personal information in the screenshot, or be sure blur out any personal information.


Hi there @opstarix 👋

I just spotted that you also reached out to our Support team about this. It seems the issue here was that the information for the transactions weren’t being added to the Google Sheets spreadsheet correctly. They advised using a Formatter (Text > Split Text) action to split the data into line items which appears to have resolved the issue. 🙂

So I’m going to mark this as solved. If that’s not the case, please do reach back out here or to our Support team directly and we’ll be happy to assist further. 

In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️
