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Zap not running when trigger fires (Airtable + Zendesk)

Hello everyone! 

I’ve created a Zap that should fire when a ticket in Zendesk changes Status. However when a ticket that has a Record in Airtable actually do change status, nothing happens in Zapier. The Zap looks like this: 



Hi @plyske!

Could show us how the filter step is set up by taking a screenshot of that step in the Zap editor? Don’t forget to remove or obscure any personal or private information in any screenshot you share in the community (eg full name, email address, etc).

And can I double check what you want to happen in the Zap? Do you want it to:

  1. Continue if a record IS found in Airtable or;
  2. Continue if a record ISN’T found in Airtable


Hi @Danvers 


I just tried deleting the Filter-step, but that didn’t help. I’ve taken pictures of every step now: 





Hi @plyske 


In the Trigger step I see you specified the Ticket, which means that Zapier will only trigger when THIS ticket changes status. Can you please screenshot the trigger step in Edit Mode ? This field “Ticket” should be empty. 

Hi @MohSwellam 

The field is required 🤔



Hi @plyske 


Yes it would seem so, the Trigger even specifies it


What about the “New Ticket” trigger?

It triggers when a new ticket is added to a view. According to this article ( you can create views based on any criteria and so you can use it when a ticket status change. 



I’ve now edited the Zap to this: 

The view ‘Følg op’ (Follow up) is the view I want to check for new statuses on tickets. 





However it still doesn’t fire the Zap?

The zap will not trigger when a ticket Changes status in that view, it will trigger when a ticket ENTERS the view. So the filter for the view should only have like 1 status that you want to check.


Also, there is no need for the filter after the find step unless you put the “Should This Step be considered a success” as True. 


Hm. Then I misunderstood what you wrote. I already have this Zap that will trigger when a ticket gets a certain status and therefore enters this view. 


What I want is a Zap that fires when a ticket changes status IN this view. So fx. a ticket in ‘On hold’ (in this view) then changes to ‘Solved’ - in Airtable I want this to be reflected. Right now every ticket that enters this view have status ‘On hold’. 

Maybe @Danvers or @Troy Tessalone have a solution? 

Hi @plyske 


This is what Im saying, you cannot do that currently with the available triggers. So if you want to track tickets that are Solved then you need to have a separate view that only has solved tickets. Zendesk doesn't have an end point that triggers when a status changes. 


Why not use another View that has a different Filter condition for Status = Solved?

@MohSwellam @Troy Tessalone 

So just to be sure: In order for this to work, I’ll have to create a view in Zendesk named ‘Solved’, then have tickets with that status (Solved) appear in there? Then this Zap will trigger, right? 

@plyske Yes, exactly. This is the only way to have the zap trigger, by watching a view. 


The previous feedback was triggering Zaps from Airtable with Views.


If you’re looking to trigger the Zap from Zendesk, then you may have to explore using webhooks:

The Zap trigger would be Webhook Catch Hook, which will generate the webhook URL to use in Zendesk.


Thanks! I will give it a try!

@Troy Tessalone 

Thanks! As always your help is much appreciated! I do think though, that this solution is a bit too difficult for me at this time. So for a V1, I’ll go with what Moh suggested. 


I’ve now tried. The Zap runs, but nothing happens in Airtable. It looks like it’s looks at the wrong Record in the Zap. How do I fix that? 




If you look at the last picture, you’ll se the Record. That should be recXEkqGl2gEobHsB

FYI: The View ‘Løste mails’ = Solved tickets

@Danvers  and @Troy Tessalone You are also very much welcome to give an input. Thanks! 

@MohSwellam I can’t make it work for some reason. It keeps looking at the wrong Record in Airtable. 


Maybe the only way is to create a Webhook? 

Hey there, @plyske! Thanks for sharing these!

Hmm, in your “Find Record” search step can you swap the search by Zendesk ID field from ‘formula’ (where it’s currently placed) to ‘value’ and see if that gets ya on the right track?

Let us know! 🙂