
Zap not pulling in new test records from Mighty Networks.

  • 12 February 2024
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 1

Zap:   When member on Mighty Networks cancels subscription [to certain plan], send email to me.


Problem:   Even though I’ve specified the specific MN plan, the zap is not filtering down.  It’s triggering for everyone who cancels.   [Better than not enough, but still]


I am trying to edit the plan. I started from the top and zap will NOT pull in new records from MN.  I reconnected the MN api and still no go.   It just gives me the same one over and over.    


Just tried to build the zap from scratch and again, zap is NOT pulling in any new records from MN.   


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Robin Edmundson 

For us to have full context, please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured, thanks.
