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While requesting "dev_method" from Descript we ran into an error: You passed {raw: true} in request()...

I have a Zap that is supposed to copy new transcripts found in my Descript account to a Google Drive folder. It had been working for a while but recently I’ve been getting this error:


The full text of the error is:






(Deleted for this post)









Fields with no value:



While requesting "dev_method" from Descript we ran into an error: You passed {raw: true} in request() - the response.content property is not available! Try response.body.pipe() for streaming, response.buffer() for a buffer, or response.text() for string.

Any help is appreciated!

Hi @SirCharles 

Good question.

I had a client encounter this error with GDrive.

Seems like it might have been a temp issue.

If all your Zap Runs are resulting in an error, then it’s work troubleshooting more.

Hi @Troy Tessalone , thanks for the comment.

Just to be clear, are you saying that this is likely an issue with Google Drive itself?

And when you say that it’s a temp issue, is that a specific type of issue, or are you saying that it was a temporary issue that’s theoretically been fixed or something?

All relevant Zaps are resulting in this error.

Ultimately, I got this explanation from the Zapier engineering team. If you’re getting a similar error with a different zap, the company you’re using might be using an outdated version of the Zapier platform as well. 


Hello Charles,
My name is Marley, from Zapier's Support Escalations team, and I'm happy to lend a hand!
My teammates and the engineering team took a deep dive into this case. We now know this is a very rare edge case that I'll try to explain below. Please bear with me as I try my best to explain the situation:

  1. There was an email that contained a dehydrated string (one of the ones that start with hydrate|||...) for the Descript integration -- As far as we can tell, the string was shared at some point by you with the Descript team when you were in touch with them about the issue. This was when the problem started with the "Sent Emails to Spreadsheet" Zap. 
  2. The Zap tried to "process" the string, which calls into the Descript app to get the transcript it points to. This calls an API on Descript's end, which returned a 500.
  3. The Zapier platform (used by our partners to develop their apps in Zapier, in this case, Descript) takes care of errors (like a "500" error) on its own. However, since it was meant to handle a stream of data (that of the dehydrated string), something went wrong with the content it was supposed to display. This caused the other unexpected error to pop up.

Upon further investigation, we realized that the Descript team is using an older version of the Zapier platform since the newer ones handle that edge case correctly.
The solution here would be for the Descript team to upgrade their Zapier platform to prevent this from happening again. We send comms every time that's necessary, but you could also ping them, taking advantage of the communication channel you've already established with them.
I hope this helps clarify things! 



Thanks for sharing the update.

Hi @Troy Tessalone I’m running into the same issue with Google Drive! When I am in testing mode, the file does get successfully created in dropbox, but the test step throws an error, saying


"Failed to create a file in Dropbox
While requesting "dev_method" from Dropbox we ran into an error: File/Folder not found”


How did you manage to resolve this?

Hi @Hello123

It is probably best to post your own topic and include screenshots of the encountered error along with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured.
