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The field organization does not transfer from Insightly to Mailchimp.

  • 28 November 2022
  • 16 replies

I have finally managed to get triggers working to do the following:

-- When a specific tag is set on a contact in Insightly, the contact is added to Mailchimp and added to a tag in Mailchimp, or if the contact is already in Mailchimp, they are updated/added to a tag. 

My problem is that the field ORGANIZATION does not transfer from Insightly to Mailchimp. Every contact in Insightly is linked to an organization, but the Insightly contact pulls the organization into the contact (if that makes sense -- not a database person!). So it’s an ID not an Organization name that transfers. If the contact already exists in MailChimp, it overwrites the organization with a code/ID. Not helpful!

Other than that, this zap will change my life. 

All ideas/help appreciated. Thank you. 



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16 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @Bananadoc 


From the API Documentation for Insightly (!/Organisations/GetEntities) I can see that yes they do send the Organization ID only in the reply for creating a new contact. In such case, you need to do another step to Find the organization. To do that, you need to use Webhooks by Zapier to call the API GET/Organisations/{id}


the webhook will look something like this 


GET: https://api.{pod}{organization id}


Authorization: Basic YWM5YTIyOTItZjI1YS00NDgzLTlkNTQtMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAw


You can find more about how to get the API (which you then need to be Base64 encoded) in the Introduction section in the API Documentation above. 

Oh! 😶


Thank you! This may be beyond my coding experience level! It took me long enough to get the simple zaps to work! 


Edit: could you maybe give a little more detail about where this webhook goes in my current zap? Thanks!

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

You can always try it out, it should pretty simple :)


if you find it too complicated, you might wanna consider hiring a Zapier certified expert from here :) 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Bananadoc 

Good question.

Try using this Zap action: Insightly - Find Record

You can search by Org ID. (see screenshot below)

There should be no need to use the Insightly API in this case.



Hi @Bananadoc 

Good question.

Try using this Zap action: Insightly - Find Record

You can search by Org ID. (see screenshot below)

There should be no need to use the Insightly API in this case.


I’m almost there, but what do I put in the Search Value field? 




Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @Bananadoc 


The search value would be the Organization ID you received in the previous step. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You’d map the Org ID from the trigger step, which if found, should return the Org Name, so you can map that into Mailchimp.

So now I’m getting an error: 


Required field "Search Value" (field_value) is missing.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Please post screenshots of how your Zap steps are configured in order for us to have proper context, thanks.





Is that enough?  I haven’t done anything to map Organization in Insightly to Company in Mailchimp... could that be it? 

Thanks again! 



Userlevel 7
Badge +14


The mapped variable has “No data” for the trigger step example you are using.

Help article about how to change your trigger step example data:


Userlevel 7
Badge +8

@Bananadoc checking in on how you got on with this Zap!

Were you able to try testing this with another set of data?

Let us know if you’re hitting any roadblocks- pretty amazing you’re throwing in Filters and mapping data with your first Zap! 👏🏽

Thanks so much for checking in! I entered this entirely naïve and soon realized I’d bitten off more than I can chew! I’m doing this in my spare time but racing to get it done before my trial runs out.. because I have to convince my small company that the subscription is worth it before they will agree to pay the Big Bucks.

In any case.. no, I have not fixed it and I’m not quite sure what you meant. Without the FIND RECORD step to pull in the ORGANIZATION/COMPANY NAME, everything works great. I have the trigger working fine to send records to Mailchimp. The only problem left is the ORGANIZATION ID which gets to Mailchimp as an ID number rather than an Organization/Company name.  

There’s nothing in any of my steps that tells Mailchimp to put the Organization info into the MailChimp Company field. I think that’s what I’m missing, and I can’t work out how to do that. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11


Let’s get you up and running, shall we? You’ve got this!

This one is a little tricky because the Insightly integration doesn’t provide us with recent samples, so that means there’s a chance the samples from your New Contact trigger won’t have an Organization ID.

First, Try All Samples


You can check whether there’s an Organization ID like this:

If Nothing, Load More

And this is how to load more (I don’t think more samples will come, but it’s worth a shot).


If Still Nothing, We “Cheat”

I say cheat because we’re going to manually enter an Organization ID in order to get the field that your final Mailchimp step needs. But where to find the Organization ID?

Right here, in Insightly when you open an Organization:


Then literally copy and paste it into this:


Now, when you test the step...voila!


Then you map this field into your Mailchimp step. The important part of this screenshot is that you now have the Organization Name field, which you can search for the same way we did it in the trigger step. Just start typing the word and it will appears. 


You can test the Mailchimp step, or if you’d rather not create/update someone, then skip the step.


Now We “Un-Cheat”

Ok, so Mailchimp is good but your search step would look for the exact same ID every single time (the one we copied from Insightly), unless we map a field there. So now we go back and change it to the Organization ID field, even though it’s empty. 

BUT, we don’t test the step. Just skip it.


All Good?

Whew, ok. If you’ve followed all of these steps, your Zap should be ready to publish and test live :) Please let us know if you’re still stuck!

I was certain I’d replied to this, but I don’t see it here. In any case, THIS WORKED! It is awesome. Now to wait to see how impressed my company is and whether they will agree to the subscription fee. They're not very tech savvy, but dang I hope so. 

Now to look for other cool things Zapier can do that might help even more. I couldn’t have done this without everyone’s help, so thank you so much! You never know how helpful these kinds of forums are, and this has been amazing. 

Thanks for your help and patience. I’ll probably be back! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

@Bananadoc Amazing!! Super glad to hear that and thanks for coming back to let us know this worked! Keeping our fingers crossed your company is just as amazed! ✨🤞