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Slack Integration - We’re having trouble loading 'Channel' data (The app returned "ratelimited".)

  • 13 January 2022
  • 28 replies

Trying to post an action to Slack channel.  Get this error when trying to select a channel name




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28 replies

Hello, I’m experiencing the same issue. When I open the “Choose value...” dropdown, it tries to load the list of channels, but then reports this message: “We're having trouble loading 'Channel' data. The app returned "ratelimited". 


The same thing happens when I am trying to select a reaction from the list of reactions dropdown. 


Please add me to the list of affected users. thank you :)



Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Thanks for letting us know, @suzanne!
I’ve got you added to the listed of impacted users. We’ll be sure to let you know once a fix is in place. 🙂

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey all! I wanted to post an update here this bug has been closed! 🎉

If you happen to run up against this error, it might be worth trying to autoreply your zap. If that doesn’t do the trick, please don’t hesitate to open a ticket with my friends in support!

Thanks for your patience on this one ya’ll! 🙏🏽