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All of a sudden every single ChatGPT action in all of my Zaps is delayed indefinitely. It is not a rate limit issue nor anything related to my OpenAI account. The actions appear to be stuck indefinitely regardless of the model used. How can this be resolved? It is crushing our workflows.


I’m getting the exact same issue with a zap that has been working perfectly for 4 months.  The data out from ChatGPT looks perfect, but the zap still stops.

We are having the same error and Zapier Chat is telling me its my issue - I found this thread and shared it with her to prove Im not the only one.

I have tried reconnecting my OpenAI, changing models.  Mine have all been stuck for several hours.  I am still on chat with someone from zapier.  This is her answer.


While a workaround isn't available, your notification is helpful, and we've proactively added your email to our issue report. I'm afraid I can’t provide an ETA for when this issue might be resolved because prioritization is largely dependent on the number of customers affected. You'll be the first to know via email when there's a resolution.

How long are your Zaps stuck for? Hours? Days?

Mine are permanently stuck.  If I try to replay them I get an error


Cannot destructure property 'content' of 'bundle.cleanedRequest' as it is null.


Again, the output from ChatGPT is exactly what I need>

Nothing has ran successfully for mine since last night. All are hung up. 

Hi there @Baylor@DougAgg and @danad57404 👋

Sorry to hear of the troubles with your ChatGPT Zaps. It appears OpenAI had some incidents on the April 25th and April 26th that have since been resolved. I suspect those incidents could well be the cause of the issues you’re running into here. 

Can you all try replaying any errored runs of your Zaps and confirm whether or not they are now running successfully? 

Looking forward to hearing from you all on this!

I got this error now on April 29 2024

I’m so sorry to hear that @rwtrwt.

Can you share a screenshot of the full error message you’re seeing in the Zap History? I’m hoping that might have some clues as to what’s potentially causing that error. 

Please remember remove/hide any private information (like names, emails, addresses etc.) from any screenshots before sharing in the Community. 

I’ll keep an eye out for your response here! 🙂

I’m experiencing this issue as well. My Zaps are getting stuck in Waiting / Delayed on the ChatGPT action sometimes for hours before running successfully. Is this due to certain models being used? Or is the issue on Zapier’s side with sending requests to ChatGPT in a timely manner? When I manually test within the zap, the request happens almost instantaneously, so I’m not sure why there’s such a massive holdup. My zap is using GPT-4 Turbo and GPT-4o

Thanks for reaching out here, @Yellowtail Solutions.

I did some further digging on our end and couldn’t find any open bug reports relating to this. Would you mind reaching out to our Support team about this so that they can investigate further? They’ll then be able to access to the logs for your Zaps to better determine what might be causing these delays with ChatGPT actions and can open up a bug report for this as necessary. You can get in touch with them here:

Please do keep us in the loop on how you get on with them, eager to ensure this gets sorted!

We’re having this issue as well - months later. Any updates?

Hi @omnilab 👋

I’ve just checked on the OpenAI status page and it looks like there’s been a recent outage reported that may be what’s caused some trouble for you here:


As that incident is now resolved can you try replaying any errored Zap runs and confirm whether they go through successfully?

Any luck anyone? Having the same issue. Was working just fine for a week.

Thanks for reaching out here, @Yellowtail Solutions.

I did some further digging on our end and couldn’t find any open bug reports relating to this. Would you mind reaching out to our Support team about this so that they can investigate further? They’ll then be able to access to the logs for your Zaps to better determine what might be causing these delays with ChatGPT actions and can open up a bug report for this as necessary. You can get in touch with them here:

Please do keep us in the loop on how you get on with them, eager to ensure this gets sorted!

Any luck my friend?


Hi @Runner Technologies IO 👋

I just checked the status page for OpenAI and there was another incident a couple of days ago (August 26, 2024 - Increased conversation latency in ChatGPT) which I’m thinking may have been the cause of the delays you were seeing, as it may have taken some time to recover from that.

Are you still experiencing delays with the ChatGPT actions in your Zap or are things running quicker again now?

Hi @Runner Technologies IO 👋

I just checked the status page for OpenAI and there was another incident a couple of days ago (August 26, 2024 - Increased conversation latency in ChatGPT) which I’m thinking may have been the cause of the delays you were seeing, as it may have taken some time to recover from that.

Are you still experiencing delays with the ChatGPT actions in your Zap or are things running quicker again now?

Thanks for the fast reply. Still very much delayed.

Thanks for confirming that @Runner Technologies IO.

I’ve done some further digging on this end and was able to find reports of cases where Zaps using ChatGPT actions in multiple paths were being delayed with a “Waiting” status, that then resumes later on. It was confirmed that:

  • ChatGPT does not always return the response immediately to the request to their API, but sometimes resumes/completes the request at a later time
  • Once that resume occurs, there is internal processing in the Zap, due to the number of Paths/forks; that runs through each branch even those that don’t actually execute. The mechanism for this replay has a “lock” on the backend to prevent the replays from failing and that has a maximum of 1089 seconds (roughly 18 minutes), so in certain cases, you’re going to see delays of up to 18 minutes here.

Do your Zaps use ChatGPT actions inside paths? If so, that could be reason behind the delays you’re seeing.

A potential workaround for that would be to set up multiple Zaps with a filter instead of a single Zap with Paths - see: Add branching logic to Zaps with filters. That said, it wouldn’t prevent ChatGPT from ever having delays in responding in certain cases and may still lead to a few minutes delay, but the Zaps shouldn’t run into that same “lock” as mentioned above.

If you’re not using the ChatGPT actions inside paths then I’d suggest reaching out to our Support team here to investigate further. 

Hope that helps. If you do give that workaround a try and it helps to get rid of the long delays please do let us know, keen to ensure you’re all set!
