
Google Drive upload isn't sending email and tested components to Gmail.

  • 19 January 2024
  • 9 replies

Hello Community,


I created a zap that, sends an email to a specific email-address as soon as I upload a file on my Google-Drive folder. 

The Trigger is my Google-Drive account, that reecieves a file on my google drive on a designated folder right under ‘My Drive’. 

Subsequently, right after, the same account (Gmail) should send an Email notifying another account that the last file has been uploaded. 

Unfortunately, I am not recieving an email after uploading a file onto my Google Drive. I tested all of the components of my Zap successfully. 

What could possibly be the problem?

I keep on adding new functions mainly by zapier to fix this. I would be Happy for any Help.

Have a nice weekend.


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9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @plsmotions 

Info about trigger types:

The Zap trigger for GDrive being used is SCHEDULED meaning it can take from 1-15 minutes to fire depending on your Zapier plan.

Check your Zap Runs for activity:


Thank you for the info Troy,

I chose starter as a plan. I do not have a company plan, which would let me choose the trigger schedule.

I actually expected the Gmail to send an alert e-mail as soon as a file has been uploaded onto my designated Google-Drive-Folder. Do I need an extra app for that, in order to make sure the Gmail recognizes an uploaded file onto the folder, because as you can see currently I only have the GDrive as the trigger that would trigger the action by Gmail.

Thanks again in advance :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


The Zap trigger for GDrive New File in Folder is SCHEDULED.

On the Starter plan that has a 15 minute update time for triggers to check for new data.




Good thanks for the reference,

However 15 minutes after uploading another file just now, I did not get any Email as stipulated.

I however got one E-Mail after about 7hours after uploading an image before. Is that normal, maybe because of current downtime caused by high demand?


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


The file must be added directly to the specified GDrive Folder in the Zap trigger. (not subfolders)

If the file was already in the folder it won’t trigger the Zap again as there is trigger deduplication.

Check your Zap Runs for activity:


Yes correct this applies to my GDrive aswell:

  1. I made sure that the folder is not a subfolder, (a folder under a folder) and that the folder is right inside my drive. 
  2. I test the functionality by simply uploading a new file right after publishing the Zap

I made sure to check these marks when publishing and testing the Zap

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Check your Zap app connections:


Help articles for using GDrive in Zaps that may provide guidance:


Files need to be added directly to the specified Folder.

Perhaps reselect the options in your Zap trigger step.

Then republish the Zap and test again.


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


If you are using a Scheduled Zap trigger, you can manually trigger the Zap to run.

That can help speed up the testing/troubleshooting.

Click the > arrow on your Zap to see more info about you Zap.


Ok apparently found the issue. It was a GDrive issue:

GDrive handles classifies not its data according to the date and time uploaded, but rather according to when the file has been made (, e.g. when a photo has been shot and not uploaded onto the drive folder).

Consequently, since the files were made a while back and not within the time frame it has been uploaded, I naturally will not get any notification.

Thanks for your inputs.

Last thing, any communities you could know of where I can exchange such experiences (of any levels) to help me get a hang of all the apps too??

Willing to learn more, Great Weekend