I have been on this for over 2 h… The blogs and help have not seemed to help in anyway.
the site is https://uptcom.wpcomstaging.com/
things I have tried so far
- turn off all plugins on installed plugin page (with the exception of akismet and jetpack because the do not have the option to do so)
- Reset WP password
- Deleted Zap
- Turned off and turned on Zap
I don’t know what to do… PLEASE HELP!
now all of a sudden it’s “error 403” all I did was create a zap with a wordpress (legacy trigger)
***Update**** ***Update****
Got it fixed
wordpress (legacy) zap responded to this website
***Update**** ***Update**** ***Update****
So legacy works but the normal one does not and now gives this error
“authentication failed: The Zapier WordPress plugin has not been activated on this WordPress site. Please install and activate it first:”
In the legacy one, I can’t complete the trigger because there are no values in the post status or post type. I can write stuff in but it doesn’t stick or bring up any choices.