Hi @Jasonberg
Good question.
If you suspect an issue with the duplicating of a Zap, then you can try opening a ticket with Zapier Support: https://zapier.com/app/get-help
I contacted support and it turns out this is a known issue. Duplicating a Zap that uses the instant trigger “New Label added to card” and then changing the board will result in the new Zap failing to detect activity on the new board.
Thanks for looping back for an update here @Jasonberg, and I’m sorry to hear about the issue being a bug.
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help.
Update: This bug is still present but using Webhooks gets around the issue completely. Webhooks in general seem preferable if you’re trying to use zaps across multiple Trello boards, because you can simply have rules and buttons that post to a common url, rather than setting up a Zap for each board.
@Jasonberg can you elaborate on how to use webhooks to solve this problem? I’m trying to use zaps on multiple boards to create a row in a spreadsheet and am having the same issues with the client label not showing up.
@ldubs1116 Sure- you have to set up a rule (or button) in Trello that posts to the webhook url provided by Zapier. To get that url you just create a webhook step and go to the test tab.
On the Trello side, when selecting what actions your automation performs, go to the bottom of the content tab and find ‘get’. Change this to ‘post to’ and paste your url. The payload is the data you send to Zapier and must be formatted as json. All the Trello markdown stuff works here, {cardname}, etc.
Trigger your rule and if done right you’ll receive test data on your webhook. Any time this wasn’t working for me it was because I hadn’t properly formatted the json.
As an example, here’s json that sends the card id, card name, and cards board name. The card id can be useful if you need to perform an action on the card after the zap is triggered.
"cardid": "{cardid}",
"cardname": "{cardname}",
"cardboardname": "{cardboardname}"
Hey folks! 
@Jasonberg, thank you so much for following up to share details of the workaround you implemented—love seeing folks helping each other out like this!
I checked on the bug report that Support added you to, and it looks like it was marked as resolved before ldubs1116 reached out here.
@ldubs1116, if you’re still experiencing issues with the New Label Added to Card trigger, please reach out to our Support team so they can investigate further. Since the previous bug report was closed, this might be a new bug that needs to be addressed. Hopefully Jasonberg’s workaround will help to keep your Zaps running in the meantime!