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Zapier send message tagging a member in Google Chat



I have created a zap from Google Sheets to Google Chat. In it, I am reading any new/updated record. One column contains the email address. I want to send message in Google Chat room, mentioning that email address. The member should get tagged. Not able to do so with text field, tried @Email, but not working. Can you please help with this?

Hi @shryharsh,

Although I have not tested it yet, I believe you can mention someone like this:

Hey <users/123456789012345678901>! Thank you for using _Pizza bot!_

 Just replace the number with the user ID that you can extract from their profile. 

More information available here:

Hi @robschmidt 


I tried, but it is not working. I put it into Message Text, but it is coming out blank in Google chat.

Hey @shryharsh!

Were you able to get usernames appearing in Google Chat messages correctly?

If not, then I’d recommend reaching out to our Support team so that they can take a closer look into why the Zap isn’t working as expected here. The best way to do that is through the Get Help form here:

Just wanted to circle back here to note that we’ve now got a feature request open for the Google Hangouts Chat integration to support user mentions. It seems currently mentioning users via the <users/USER_ID> method isn’t working as expected.

We’ve added @shryharsh’s vote for that feature request and will be in touch as soon as it’s been implemented!

For anyone that comes across this closed thread and wants their vote added, please reach out to the Support Team via the Get Help form to be added. :)