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Hi Everybody

I have a zap that works between three Trello boards - The trigger is a card moved to a list in a board (than look for another card in another board and finally create a new card in a third board combining data from the first two cards). The zap works perfectly!!

The issue is that sometimes it just stops and the only fix is to run the zap in edit mode (go through the find and sent data to load new events) and than all is well, for a while…

Anything I need to do? Is this a common issue? 

Hi @crelis ,

Sorry you are running into this issue with your Zap! 

Could you share if you are receiving an error message within your configuration or see any within your task history and, if so, send a screenshot? 

Look forward to getting you squared away!

No error message it is just that nothing is happening (the new card is not created) until I go and “reset “ the zap by entering the edit mode and loading new data. Than the process gets going again.

Its very strange.

Next time it happens I will share the screen shots in case I am missing something

That is strange!

I’m escalating this to Support so they can take a look at our logs to try and pinpoint what’s going on. They’ll be in touch just as soon as they can!

Thank you!

Hi there @crelis, nice to see that you were able to get in contact with Jason from Zapier Support. We think the solution you mentioned would be worth sharing to the rest of the community so here it is:

Maybe the best course of action will be that the next time i experience this issue (hopefully never), I will: 1) check the log and 2 ) let you know so we can pinpoint to the problem

From the findings that you were able to provide us, it seems like you may have resolved this issue by re-enabling and re-applying your edits during the Zap creation process. If this issue persists, please let us know how we may help you.
