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Xero Contact Update/Create attach file to Contact

  • 28 May 2021
  • 3 replies

The “Create/Update Contact” action is great but it doesn’t allow you to attach files like it does for the “Create Bill” action. We have a vendor intake form using Formstack that includes a file upload field for their W-9, which delivers to a Box folder. The data from the intake form creates a Contact in Xero, but we still have to manually upload the W-9

Does anyone have a work around or does the Xero team plan on adding this functionality?

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @pocaface 

FYI: Most Zap app integrations are created and maintained by the app developer, rather than Zapier, so be to direct feature requests to the app developer for their Zap app.


You’d likely have to leverage the Xero API via a Webhooks step in the Zap in order to attach a file (see screenshot) to a Contact.


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @pocaface!

We have an open feature request for this, and  I’ve added your vote to it. This lets the team know how many folks are interested and also that we’ll send you an email when there's an update.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi friends! 👋

Just stopping by to announce that an Upload Attachment action has been added to the Xero app on Zapier

We hope you’re able to test out that new action soon and do let us know if you run into any trouble with it. 

Until then, happy Zapping! ⚡