Hi @CindyinRI
This sucks!
As Zapier have probably told you, 9 times out of 10, when Zapier has connection issues it's usually down to your host's security blocking access for some reason (and just because you can connect once, doesn't mean it won't block again).
No one here will really be able to help because every host is different and there is a lot of nuance.
Have you spoken to your host about this? If you give them exact times of errors, they should be able to check their logs and get some clues.
You may have already looked at this, but the Zapier WordPress help doc has a few different things that you can look at to try and fix the connection
WordPress - Integration Help & Support | Zapier
Yes - I've read all the documentation....
I'm in the middle - I'm not an HTML programmer - And also, not an advanced Zapier user.
As mentioned - The new Web dude is saying it's Zapier - But I agree, it's a security setting but I've no idea how to dig in there.....
I just don't know what to do.........
@CindyinRI thanks for letting us know. The best way to tell if Zapier is not behaving the way you would expect is to check out your Task History: https://zapier.com/help/manage/tasks/view-and-manage-your-task-history - If by chance that a zap isn't working, you would see it here with the specific errors mentioned.
I'm afraid we do not advise on WordPress development and troubleshooting that is not related to a Zap.
If you see an error or a zap that shows an issue, we'd be happy to help troubleshoot if you provide us with a screenshot of the errors you're seeing. Thanks!
I appreciate the comment Stephanie but I've already tried months ago speaking with Zapier with no assistance - I tried speaking with WordPress - No assistance.....
Kinda sucks
@CindyinRI I'm sorry that this is so frustrating! I wish that we could do more but generally if we look at our logs they will just tell us that we couldn't reach WordPress, and not why.
Have you asked your web dude to take a look at the documentation to see if he can check the more technical settings? When you contacted the Support team, were the able to provide you with the logs of the calls made to WordPress so that you could show him what the issue was? As I said, it doesn't give us any details as to why Zapier couldn't connect to your WordPress account, but it would show definitely that we couldn't.
Can I also ask a quick question - is your WordPress installation publicly available? It needs to be in order to work with Zapier. You may have already checked that, but I want to make sure that we've covered everything that we can.
Thank you for your response - I sent along your questions to Web Dude....
Hoping he'll be able to find a fix.
Getting up at 3:30am on Sunday is starting to suck. LOL
Also - Just to Clarify the Error:
I'm able to "Connect" to Wordpress via Zapier just fine.
It's when Zapier tries to pull the Blog - It's like wordpress says "you can look but not touch" which tells me it's on the website side - Host dude says it's not.....I'm in the middle 
Sorry, I should've been clearer - I understand what you're saying: your account is connected in the Zap, but when the Zap runs it's hitting an error because it's running into an authorisation problem with WordPress.
I'm really sorry that this is so frustrating!
I wanted to reach out to the Zapier Staff - All of you have been absolutely wonderful.
There’s a few posts above where I sound like “you should be helping me” - But I DO understand, it’s not your error to fix.
I’ve mostly used this as a virtual therapy session and I really do appreciate the input I’ve received.
But mostly, please know I realize this wasn’t “your” issue to begin with!

I wanted to reach out to the Zapier Staff - All of you have been absolutely wonderful.
There’s a few posts above where I sound like “you should be helping me” - But I DO understand, it’s not your error to fix.
I’ve mostly used this as a virtual therapy session and I really do appreciate the input I’ve received.
But mostly, please know I realize this wasn’t “your” issue to begin with!

I think @danvers made a great point in asking if your WordPress is fully accessible. I would recommend asking your developer if your blog is both read and write access for the blog and the server it’s hosted on, which points to Danvers’ point with it being publicly available.
We’re bummed you’re still not able to get this to work for you but we’re here if you have any questions!
Unfortunately, it is not working.
Our Webhost said he’s already looked at all Plugins (deactivated them, ran a Zap test, and then re-activated) - So I have NO CLUE…..
The ONLY change that was made, was us moving our site to his service to “host”.
That’s it.
Hi @CindyinRI!
As someone who uses WordPress quite extensively (and who’s been a “web dude”), I can relate to the frustration you’re experiencing. I’d be willing to bet that it’s either a security plugin or the Jetpack plugin that’s causing the problem. Has your “web dude” tried disabling those plugins, if they’re installed, and while they’re disabled try to test the WordPress step in your Zap to see if you’re able to get it working?
If that works, then you’ll know that they’re the source. I’d recommend disabling one at a time, and testing the Zap while one is disabled. You want to pinpoint which specific plugin (assuming it’s one of those).
Can you give that a shot?
Ohhh!! a Web-Dude!!
Thank you for reaching out!!
Yes, he did say that was done. I can’t say if he did or didn’t.
As I’ve told him, I’m not and never claimed to be a web dude, at least not yet anyway.
I 100% agree that it is security-related, as mentioned, I can connect Zapier and WP together just fine, it’s pulling the blog is when I get the unauthorized error….
Hi @CindyinRI,
I really wish I could offer more, but in the case of self-hosted applications like WordPress, there are so many possible variables that could be at play. And trust me, not all web hosts are created equal (especially when it comes to WordPress hosting).
Is there any way you could ask your web dude if he has other websites being hosted by the same web host that he’d be able to test with Zapier? Or, is he able to create a completely fresh install and try to connect that? If it doesn’t work when it’s totally new, then it sounds like the web hosting company is doing something on the back-end that’s causing the problem.
As a matter of fact! We are in a position to do this.
He’s getting ready to role out another website that the owner of this company owns.
If that works, then obviously something is severely wrong/disconnected.
Let’s just say the transition of web hosts did not go smoothly…..But that’s neither here or there.
Keep us posted @CindyinRI so we can jump in where needed.
Thanks Andrew!!
I definitely will!