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Webflow to Twilio

  • 12 February 2021
  • 4 replies

I have a very simple project and just need a little help connecting a couple of apps. 


  1. I have built a text sequence in Twilio Studio that currently can be triggered by anyone texting the Twilio number (text anything and it will begin sending you the sequence of texts)
  2. I have a Webflow landing page with a single field form where I would like user to enter their phone number and hit submit.
  3. What I would like to do (I believe using Zapier) is have the number sumbitted on the Webflow landing page hit the Twilio trigger so I can initiate the Twilio Studio sequence to the phone number submitted through the form. 

I am fine adding an intermediate step (Webflow to Sheets, Sheets to Twilio) but could not figure that out on my own either. 


Happy to provide details, thanks! 

Hi @Liam 

Zap Steps

  1. Trigger: Webflow - Form Submission
  2. Action: Webhook - POST




Here’s the Twilio Studio Flow REST API v2 documentation:

In Twilio Studio, click on the Trigger node.

Then on the right wizard, get the REST API URL.

NOTE: Make sure to connect the REST API route in the trigger to the first Studio Flow Widget!


Here’s how to configure your Zap action step with the Webhooks app.

The To and From parameters need to be formatted with the leading + and country code (e.g. for USA +11234567890)

Make sure to separate the Account SID and Auth Token with a pipe: |

NOTE: Your Twilio Account SID and Auth Token can be found in Twilio Project Settings:


Got it, I think authorization was my issue, this is super helpful, going to give it a shot now and I’ll let you know if it works! 

So close! Your instructions were great and I got it to appear to be working within Zapier (example below) and it is authorizing to Twilio however it is not firing off the text when I submit the form. I have the API connected as a trigger in Twilio and have republished there. The number I put in the Webhook is the Twilio number. I’ll keep trouble shooting but thought I would see if I’m missing an obvious step. Thanks! 


Hi there, I figured out I had the To and From numbers in the wrong order, swapped those and it is working as expected. Thank you for the help!