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Sync Asana task with Github issues

  • 11 June 2021
  • 2 replies

Hello there,

For my project, I have 2 Asana plans (A & 😎 and 5 GitHub repositories (1 to 5).

I want that, 

  • Whenever a task is created from one of the Asana plans (with a custom field indicating the destination repository), an issue is created in the right GitHub repository (with the Asana plan as a label), adding the Asana task link to the body.
  • When an issue is created in GitHub in one of the repos, the source Asana task is found in their plan, adding the GitHub issue link as a story (=comment)

I have managed to do this flow, which is working OK. But I have one issue that I don’t know how to solve.

For the first zap I am using “New Asana task” which triggers far too soon! A lot of times, I did not have the time to enter the custom field that indicates the repo, leading to failure. (cf screenshot)

Is there any other, better way to do this? Looking at “Updated Asana task” does not seem to be a right move. But maybe looking at “Tag Added to Task” in Asana instead of checking custom field on new task is a way to go?




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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hi @Louis MSF,


You can use a filter right after the trigger that will filter out everything that has the repository field empty. So that’s simply

 IF RepositoryField = EMPTY , HALT
IF RepositoryField = NOT EMPTY , GO AHEAD

 Otherwise that tag system should work fine with a cost of adding tags every time you want to run it.

Hello @robschmidt thanks for your answer.

I finally managed to solve this using tags, it seemed to be the easiest way to do it
