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Does anyone know how to get around the problem of a zap-step not handling a file because of a space in the filename?

Our automation is attempting to add uploaded images to our social media channels but regularly fails when user attach files with spaces to their online forms. the message in the  zapier step mentions “Invalid image url parameter supplied”



Hi @meganf,

I’d have provided a clear response if you could send a screenshot of the Zap/Action.

I believe you can handle this issue using one of the following method:

  1. Formatter > URL encode: This will convert Space into encoded format so that it carries over nicely
  2. Formatter > Replace: You can use this to remove any space if there is any 


Thanks but the images (potentially with spaces in the name) are stored on the Jotform servers which is what we used to create our online form. So by the time the formatter gets its hands on the url it’s too late, if you get my drift?

What I’m really asking is there a way to stop the zap from breaking when it encounters a space in an image name and Jotform doesn’t provide a way to strip out spaces before it stores the image



You could try pushing all images to Google Drive first and then uploading them from Google Drive. 

Though in my test events, I am having trouble recreating the issue. It seems that Jotform (when using a file upload field) has already encoded the spaces in my file (%20 is the encoding for a space)

If you still need help, can you share screenshots of your set up? In the screenshot you’ve shared, it looks like you are passing a url from a Google Sheet and not from Jotform directly.