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Send data In Payload of Webhook

  • 23 July 2020
  • 1 reply

Hi all,

I have created one rest hook and it is working good. Currently,I have sent array of JSON data in the payload of webhook with POST request.

But  How much JSON object we can send in the array while sending this array in payload of webhook ? 

@sapariya.2108 I’m not aware of a hardcoded limit to the amount of information you can include in the payload of a POST request.  There are timeout limits and general guidelines for sending data over http/s (which is the underlying protocol upon which webhooks are sent) 


The general guideline for http/s requests/posts is 10MB, I wouldn’t ever come close to that as I’m certain you would hit Zapier’s timeout threshold before sending of 10MB of data. 


Essentially if you are not sending a file and instead are sending JSON (text) then it’d be difficult to approach those upper limits. 

For example, it’s estimated that 250 pages of plain text equals 1MB, so if you are posting over 2,000 pages of JSON text then you might start running into issues. This is however, 100% dependent upon the network speed between Zapier’s servers and the destination server, as well as how quickly the destination server responds to the payload.