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Retrieve IP of customers on zapier?

  • 2 November 2020
  • 3 replies

I've a website (built on squarespace) that registers users for our service, we've had ip addresses that are continuously spamming/exploiting our signup list every time we make an announcement to drive traffic.

We already have a solution to block these ip addresses outside zapier, however was looking to see if zapier has a tool that can retrieve ip addresses so that we can automate the log?

Would appreciate help.

Check to see if IP address is a provided field for the Squarespace New Form Submission trigger.


Hi @River!

As Troy suggested, your best bet would be to see if the Squarespace form is able to record the IP address of the person who submits. If not, you may want to consider embedding a form from another app that does provide that. I don’t know off-hand which ones do, but dedicated form apps tend to be more fully-featured than what Squarespace offers. You can check this category in our app directory if you decide to go that route.


Hi @River! Were you able to find the information that you needed in the New Form Submissions trigger? Or did you find another solution? We’d love to know 🙂