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Would it be possible to do a zap to rename some png images with a specific title for each image ? For example, I have a file with 10 png images on google drive and a google sheet with 1 column “image title” ans his 10 differents values (image 1, image 2...) ?

Thanks a lot for your help !


@fef Welcome to the community, and I think I understand what you’re asking for, but if I get it wrong let me know. 

Do the file names need to be coordinated? Meaning does image1 need to be renamed with the first value in the spreadsheet?  Or would it be okay if image1 got the name from the 4th row?

If the order matters then you would need the current file name in the spreadsheet next to the desired filename. 

You could use a formater step to break the spreadsheet into line-items. And then add a Google Drive step to ”move” the file, Essentially move the file to the same folder with the contents of the “image title” as the filename and it will effectively rename the file. 

Hello @PaulKortman, thanks a lot your your help !

Yes, images need to be coordinated ! 

As Im new on Zapier, I dont get everything :( 

To start, I need to have a google sheet with 2 columns : original titles and new titles (on the same row) ?

And this google sheet should be in the same folder than all the png images ?

Step 1 : Google Drive - Google Sheet (to link the images titles and the spreadsheet with a lookup ?)

Step 2 : Google sheet  - Formater

Action : replace 

The formater step is to replace titles from the google sheet ?

Step 3 : Formater - Google drive 

Event : move file

This step is to move the Google sheet into the “same folder” ? But the sheet is already in the folder ?

Thanks a lot for your help,



@fef Thanks for the additional information, 


There’s a couple of clarifications I can make. 

  • Yes the sheet needs to have two columns like you said
  • The spreadsheet doesn’t need to exist in the same folder, it can be anywhere. 
  • You need to decide what will start this process (trigger) is it files showing up, or a date/time or something else?

Step 1: Anything you choose as a trigger to start this process

Step 2: Formatter - Import CSV (this just gets the data from the Spreadsheet into the zap environment

Step 3: Google Drive - Move File (use the column with the current file name) and the destination (use the column with the desired filename) you can set the folder to the same folder in both cases. 


That’s it, if you are getting errors please screenshot them (or use Zappy) of your “set up action” section under each step and I can better help you.


Hello @PaulKortman ,


Thanks a lot for your answer !


In the step 3, if I choose Move file, I dont have any possibilities to change the file name.



Then, I think I need to choose Copy file and I can change the name of the file. 


I’ll try it like this, I will let you know ! 

Thanks a lot again,

Good catch @fef and totally my fault, but yes with copy file you should be able to do the rename you are looking for!

Hello @PaulKortman !

It seems to be working (at least for the test for one image) 🙂 Do you know if is it possible to select a folder or many files in the third step  in “set up action” (to change their titles) ?

Because now, I can only select only one image… 

Thanks a lot!
