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Dear all,

I’m adding a custom Gmail label (finished) to my conversations with clients, when im finish working on their assignment.

I would like this label to be removed again automatical with a ZAP, if they write a new mail to me in the same thread - right now the label (finish) stays in the thread until removed manually, i would like it to be updated and removed automatical with a ZAP, so I don’t miss questions from clients in a thread i marked as finish ealier.

Is it possible?

I have tried the remove label action - put i cant find out how to make it count for all incomming mails in threads having the label “Afsluttet” (finish), and not only for specifik threads...



Hi @CLarsen 

Try mapping the Gmail Thread ID from the trigger step using the ‘Custom’ mapping option.

Check out this help article:


Thanks a lot Troy!


Works like intended  :thumbsup_tone1:



Hi Troy,


Seems like this rule only anly apply for the actual specific thread ID put into the custom setup field- and not generic for all thread ID’s with the label - do you know a way to make it work for all email threads and not only one ID?




Also i now see:


Errors in my Zap

  • Problem creating Node.

    Disallowed selected_api.


Please post screenshots with how your Zap step is configured, thanks.



Can you post screenshots of the error message?


The Thread ID variable is dynamically mapped.

Have you tried turning the Zap ON and testing?

Then check your Zap Runs history details for the data IN/OUT for each Zap step: