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Redirect to URL after checking Google Sheet

  • 5 July 2021
  • 1 reply


I’m building an Employee Verification Service on Wordpress using Jotform to:

  1. collect the ID Card Number and Name, submit to Zapier
  2. Zapier checks against Google Sheet for ID Card Number
  3. IF YES, redirects to a post created (which will be the ID card number)
  4. IF NO, another post or page that says “not a valid card”.


I can’t figure out how to get it to forward links after the if YES/NO find Post on Wordpress aspect. Any advice please? Thank you!

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hi @Parkingdefender,

Have you used path? If no, take a look into this:

For your scenario, the Zap will look like this:

  3. Use Path  
If not exists   If exists

Action: Find Wordpress Post

Action: Update Wordpress post

  You can send the person an email


Edit: Do you want the person to be redirected? If so, there is very little chance zapier can do anything here as it is associated with web development, you need to write code in the wordpress-end to get this done.