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Put file in specific folder but file’s information is not exactly the same as folder name

  • 11 May 2022
  • 4 replies

Hi all, 

I’m new to Zapier and investigating how our company can automate proposal uploads from Docusign to Google Drive. We don’t have an enterprise plan and need a third-party solution.

I want to put a file in a specific folder on Google drive, but the information from the file is not exactly the same as the map's name. 


File name: Company_name] 
Folder name: rCompany_name] + nclient_id] + tproject_name]… 


Is it possible to use a contained condition instead of an exact match?

Put the file in a folder that contains aCompany_name].


Please tell me if more info is needed.
Thanks! /Haris

Hi @Haris!

There is a search action for Google Drive that allows you to search for a folder, so you should be able to do this. For that part of the Zap you would have a Google Drive Find Folder step to find the folder based on the company name and then use the Google Drive upload file step. 

I hope that’s clear - let us know if you need any other help with your Zap :) 

Hi, I have already tried that but it’s not working because the folder name is not identical with the company name.

Folder is like this: 

So if the company is Apple, it won’t find the folder right now because it’s not identical. What I as asking was can I extract some of the data from the folders to locate where it should be?

Hi @Haris!

There is a search action for Google Drive that allows you to search for a folder, so you should be able to do this. For that part of the Zap you would have a Google Drive Find Folder step to find the folder based on the company name and then use the Google Drive upload file step. 

I hope that’s clear - let us know if you need any other help with your Zap :) 


Hi, I have already tried that but it’s not working because the folder name is not identical with the company name.

Folder is like this: 

So if the company is Apple, it won’t find the folder right now because it’s not identical. What I as asking was can I extract some of the data from the folders to locate where it should be?

I gave this a test and this type of search is working for me. 

I created a folder called in Google Drive:

Set up a Zap that searches for a folder using ‘apple’ as the search term:


And when I tested the Zap step it found the folder:


Are you able to share a specific example of a folder name that isn’t being found by your Zap? And could I ask if it sometimes works or if it never works? That will hopefully help us to see what’s going on.