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Outlook Contact Update Birthday

  • 22 August 2020
  • 2 replies

Does Zapier allow the Birthday/DOB field to be updated in Outlook Contacts?  If not, why not, since I believe the API allows for it?

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

The Zapier integrations for each app are maintained by the app maker not Zapier.

That means it’s up to the app maker to expose the endpoints of their API.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hi @CamAU ,

If you are looking for something the Zapier app doesn’t support yet, you can always go with the more coding way. If you take a look at the Contacts API  you are able to update contacts with sending a PATCH request to a webhook with some json data.

Otherwise, like @Troy Tessalone it’s most of the time maintained by the creator and sometimes by Zapier. You can always hire a Zapier expert if you need assistance with setting up something like this. This is the most efficient way since it takes knowledge and time to set it up. Feel free to message me or any other expert if you like.

Hope this helps you!