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News feeds posted to facebook group

  • 24 November 2019
  • 1 reply


Can someone point me in the right direction? I would like a zap that would search google news for a key word and when it finds articles on that key word to then post the article to a facebook group page. I see a zap for facebook groups and can handle that part. The problem is what zap can search for articles with a key word ?


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi Imazzola and welcome to the community.

I'd recommend grabbing an RSS feed from Google news, I assume they have feeds based on topic etc, but here is the "firehose" feed at

Use the RSS app as a trigger and then use a filter step to search for a keyword in the content.

Your next steps can be the posting to a FB group page.

Hopefully this gets you started. if not let us know by posting where you get stuck here.
