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I’m connecting mysql (phpbb forum databases) and MailChimp to add new phpbb forum members to a MailChimp email list.

I have data in two different tables (phpbb_users and phpbb_profile_fields_data) and I can connect to each table with a zap (individually) but I need fields from both tables to update the MailChimp list.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


Could the zap trigger on data from one table, then do a lookup of the other table to get the additional data?


Could the zap trigger on data from one table, then do a lookup of the other table to get the additional data?

Thanks Andrew, I was doing some further reading and was thinking I would need to add another stage to the zap. I just need to confirm the key field that is in both tables.

Hey @Robg we just wanted to check-in here! Were you able to figure this one out? We’d love to hear about your solution, if so, and see if we’re able to lend a hand, if not. Let us know!

Thanks for checking Jesse. Yes I was able to get it to work.

I had to do a multi-step zap to pull data from two tables in the members forum. I also had to do some math on one of the drop-down fields in the table.

In the members forum, there is a drop-down field for Organization - the first option in the field is “Pick one” which is data item #1 in the field. So mysql was passing the Organization # + 1 (e.g. third Organization on the list was being returned as #4), so I had to create a zap step  of “Organization - 1” to return the correct number for a lookup in another table.

It’s working great now. Each time a new person registers on the Phpbb forum and is approved, their data is passed over to Mailchimp and they are automatically added to the mailing list. 

Great work, @Robg :tada: Thanks for sharing that with us! 

Could you @Robg share more information about how you did it? i’m very interested to connect my phpbb forum with mailchimp too but i’n very new in zapier.
Thank you

We are using Advanced Profile Fields Pack in phpBB so that we can collect more information from our members when they sign up. The data gets saved in a number of different tables, so you have to have multi-step zaps to get all of the data for a member moved over into MailChimp.

When a new account is created in our members forum I go into the phpbb_users table and pass the User ID and Email Address across to Mailchimp.

I then created another step in the zap to go back and look into the phpbb_profile_fields_data table to bring over the First Name and Last Name fields (based on User ID).

The Organization and Organization_Prov fields are showing as a number in phpbb_profile_fields_lang table. 

I grab the Organization number for the person (based on User ID). The first item in the Organization "drop-down" list in the table (created by Advanced Profile Fields Pack) is "Choose one", so when I pull across the Organization number into Zapier, I have to do a math equation (Organization # - 1 = the real organization number). Once I have that number, I go back into the phpbb_profile_fields_lang table and pull back the Organization name into MailChimp

If we were not using Advanced Profile Fields Pack to collect more data from our phpBB members, the basic member data would likely be all in one table and I wouldn't have to use the multi-step zaps to grab the correct data.

The interesting thing is that Zapier pulls the data from phpBB as soon as the person requests to have the forum account created. If I choose not to activate the account (e.g. the person is not from an Organization that is not a paid member of our Agency), then I will have to go into MailChimp and remove their information.