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Is Zapier able to collect past/existing data?

  • 19 August 2021
  • 6 replies

Hi all, 


Im new to Zapier and I have a question regarding past data. So I’ve start to understand the drill. 

When X happens in application 1 do Y in application 2. All good. But I’m wondering if Zapier also works with past data? Like when X happend in the past. 

To give you a bit more context. I’m trying to fill an Airtable database with data from emails I received in the past. I subscribed to an email list which sent me an email every day for the past 6 months. I would love to collect all those email in an airtable database. Is this possible using Zapier?


Thanks for your help! Much appreciated!



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6 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @IronBrands 

Zaps work when turned ON for new data going forward.

Thanks Troy! Good to know. Do you have any other Idea how I should transfer existing date from emails to a csv? 


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Depends on what email app you are using, but likely will require a manual export/format/import.

Gmail. But a manual export would be perfect, but I have no clue how to export the content of multiple emails directly into a nice csv. But I’ll dig more into it. Thanks for your time!



Userlevel 7
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Userlevel 7
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Just wanted to jump in to summarize an answer here! :)

  • As Troy mentioned, Zaps are meant to move data in real-time so they would only transfer data data between apps whilst switched on.
  • There is a workaround for importing previous data, if you can export the data as a CSV file, which is outlined here: 
  • Alternatively, Gmail has a New Labeled Email trigger so you could make a copy of the existing Zap and switch it to use that Gmail trigger instead. Then you can assign a specific label to the old emails which would then allow the Zap to see them and add them into Airtable.