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I cannot pass mailing address from RegFox to Salesforce

  • 9 August 2021
  • 6 replies

I’m trying to pass the Mailing Address (Mailing Street, Mailing Street2, City, State, PostalCode, Country) from Regfox to Salesforce by using Zapier. 
My Zap works partially! It’s passing all the fields except for the Mailing Address. I cannot even find them when trying to Insert Data under “New Registrant in Regfox”. 
Have you ever run into this issue? What do I need to enter in order to capture those fields? Please advise!

I was recommend to enter something like this: {{}} but it doesn’t work. The Mailing field is still empty in Salesforce. 

Besides, what is “128934324”. What does it represent? Shouldn’t it be dynamic? 

Please help! Thanks!

Hi @Gaby Friedman 

Is RegFox returning the Mailing Address data point?

Maybe include screenshots of how your Zap steps are configured.

Perhaps try using a different trigger example:

To answer the `{{}}` part. It sounds like someone copy-pasted you a field from their Zap setup and sent it to you?


You’ll often end up with a weird looking field like that if that’s what happened, because the ID’s, the “1289...” part is specific to their setup.

@Gaby Friedman 

FYI: The ID at the start of the placeholder  {{123...}} related to a specific step in the Zap.

Thanks everyone!
It’s now working! This is how I have it for example: {{}}
I did the same with Street, Street 2, City, State, Postal Code.

I understand, having the ID didn’t make any sense! It needs to be dynamic.
Now we know how to call a field that doesn’t show up when trying to Insert Data.

BTW, I’m never able to find any more registrants. My work around is to run real sample registrations and then analyze the Zap history. Let me know if you have any tip on how to get real sample data inside the Zap. 
Thanks again!

@Gaby Friedman

4. Test your trigger


Click Test trigger. Zapier will attempt to find a recent item from your trigger app to use in the Zap.

For example, if your trigger is a new email in Gmail, Zapier will pull in a recent email you've received.
The information in this email can then be used as test data in an action step later in the Zap.
If you want to use a different item, you can change the test data in your Zap trigger.

If Zapier is having trouble finding data for your trigger, try adding new data for the event in your trigger app.

Believe me, I’ve tried all of that but it doesn’t get updated when searching for new data.