Hey there, @Minestack! Thanks for reaching out in community!
When you say “Cost Price” is that similar to the “Cost Per Item”?
The reason I ask is there are some fields that aren’t supported in our Shopify integration - “Cost Per Item” being one of them. My thought is “Cost Price” likely isn’t supported either if it is a separate field. 
That said, I went ahead and added you as an interested user in the feature request we have for adding support to additional fields in the “Add/Update Product” actions! This keeps you in the loop if and when these get implemented. We’ll also be sure to keep the thread updated.
Either way, if you don’t mind letting us know if Cost Price is a separate field - I’m happy to add the note to the feature request! 
Hi Christina,
Thank you for the update and including me in the group. Cost Price is the same as Cost Per Item.
Thanks for confirming that!
We’ll be in touch via email with any updates on this feature request. 
still no solution? please add the "cost per item" guys! please!
Hi folks, just reaching out here to share that the feature request has since been closed! 
In case you missed the email notification that went out about this feature request here’s the main details from it:
over the last couple of months we have made a number of improvements to our Shopify product-related actions, and added a bunch of new fields that you can now use.
Some of those new fields include:
- category - title - product type - vendor - status - product description (HTML) - tags - collections - handle - options - media - a variety of metafields
We have made new actions (or updated existing actions) for several different product-related areas, including:
- Create Product - Update Product - Publish Product - Create Product Variant - Update Product Variant - As well as several different search options
To set the cost price per item and weight when creating a product you’ll want to use a the Create Product Variant action:

We hope you’re able to take advantage of these new updates in your Zaps soon. And if you run into any issues with them please let us know in the Community here or reach out to our Support team directly and we’ll be happy to assist.
In the meantime, happy Zapping!