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How To Pull All Contacts From Infusionsoft To Send Email

  • 15 April 2020
  • 7 replies

I am trying to set up a zap that sends emails to specific contacts in Infusionsoft. We currently have just over 15k contacts in Infusionsoft. In the zap, when i try to select contact to send to, it seems to pull the most recent 30 contact created in Infusionsoft, and then another 30 when I hit “load more”. When I try to search the contact it doesn't come up. 

Is there another solution to load the contact? I tried by contact ID but still no avail. 

Thanks in advance!




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7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @GLC - Just click on the Custom tab, then you’ll be able to fill in the contact ID.


Userlevel 1

Hi @ikbelkirasan thanks for chiming in. When I try that, no results are displayed. Any other thoughts?


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @GLC - You should actually type in this field instead. Nothing will be displayed but it will use the contact ID you provide.


Userlevel 1

@ikbelkirasan okay, gave that a try. I ran a test and getting an error. Thoughts?


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@GLC - You should fill in the From Address field.


Userlevel 1

@ikbelkirasan Ah man how could I miss that. Sometimes it’s the smallest thing. After filling that in all works. Thank you for your guidance!

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@GLC - Awesome! Glad you got it working :)