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How to auto-populate specific cells and row in a new spreadsheet upon form submission?

  • 14 August 2023
  • 7 replies

Hello Zapier Community, 

I have managed to get a new spreadsheet created everytime a form is filled out. Now I want to transfer the entered information to the right place in my spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is a document that matches the questions in the form. For example, the name is asked in the form. This should then be inserted in the correct place (column and row) in my spreadsheet.

I would be very thankul if someone could help me with this step.

Hi @Magnus 

Good question.

Check out this related topic:


Hi @Troy Tessalone

Thank you for response. 

I still have some troubles creating the right action for my problem. Should the wording be identical in the Google Form and the Google sheet, where the data is going to be inserted?


We would need to see screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured to have more context.

Hi @Troy Tessalone,

The third step is probably wrong. 




You can use the ‘Custom’ option to map dynamic variables between Zap steps.

We would need to see more detailed screenshots with where you are having issues within a Zap step.

Help articles to review for using GSheets in Zaps:



@Troy Tessalone 

where do I find the “custom” option?


