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I am trying to connect Google Calendar to Zapier to track the number of hours each team member spends on a project.

Hi @Aleesa

Definitely possible! Once you’ve tracked the hours, where do you want to store the data?

Hi @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu In a google spreadsheet if possible.

@Aleesa so are all the team members putting their hours into one calendar? If so you can have one zap do this, if not you'll need a different zap for each calendar.

Here's how I would build the Zap:

  1. Trigger on a new event in the calendar
  2. Delay by 3 minutes to allow the team member to get all the information in the event
  3. Create a new row in Google Sheets (values including: user, event name, description, start time, end time, duration)

Then have a seperate tab in Sheets that counts the durations for rows that include project name in the event name. something like `SUMIFS(F1:F10, B1:B10, "projectX")` see