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How do I use Elementor Pro templates in WordPress while posting from YouTube to Zapier?

  • 20 May 2022
  • 2 replies

I just created a zap to post my youtube videos as new posts on wordpress. But the problem is I use elementor pro templates for wordpress. And I am not able to find those template options on zap. Neither am I able to customize the content and the video layout of how it will appear in the wordpress post using the zap. Right now, it just posted a plain, vanilla youtube video and description on wordpress.


Does anyone know how to use the elementor templates using zap?

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @overcloud9! Sorry to hear you’re running into some trouble here! It sounds like you’re needing to access some custom fields in your action template to make this happen the way you’re wanting. After some digging, it appears this is an open feature request we have for Wordpress.

I will go ahead and add your vote to this feature so if/when it gets implemented, we’ll email you to let you know. In the meantime, this is the main thread for this issue so if we have any updates along the way, we’ll be sure to post them here: 


Userlevel 1

Thanks a lot!