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How do I trigger a zap with existing GitHub issues?

  • 12 February 2024
  • 4 replies

I’ve created a Zap which is triggered when a new GitHub issue is created, and then pushes it to Jira. That’s working great.

I have a bunch of issues that exist in GitHub. How do I get my zap to loop over them and do the initial sync? I’d like the contents of the created Jira issue to look like they were triggered from my new issue trigger.

Hi @kevin_brown 

Try using these Zap steps...

  1. Trigger: GitHub - New Mention
  2. Action: Filter
  3. Action: GitHub - Find Issue
  4. Action: Jira - ???


Hi @kevin_brown, welcome to the Community! 🎉 

I’d suggest using the Transfer feature to move over the existing GitHub issues into Jira but I should note that it seems that the GitHub app isn’t on the list of currently supported source apps

But there is a workaround - if you can export the existed GitHub issues into a spreadsheet then you can use that as the source for the transfer instead of GitHub. You can learn more about that workaround here: Transfer existing data using a spreadsheet

Hope that helps. If I’ve misunderstood what you’re looking to do here or you run into any trouble on that please do let us know! 🙂

Hey @SamB, I can’t get them exported to a spreadsheet and maintain the rich formatting as far as I can tell. I’ll give @Troy Tessalone’s suggestion a go.

I ended up just manually moving the data over because it was taking me longer to set up Zapier to do this than to just do it by hand.

I’d really like to see the ability to use the Transfer feature for this in the future.