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How do I trigger a Zap after each time a contact is sent an email via MailChimp?

  • 10 April 2022
  • 5 replies

Hi everyone,

I need to trigger a Zap when MailChimp sends an e-mail to a contact in an audience. My MailChimp campaign is super simple; on-going type of campaign which fires once a week. When it does fire it sends an e-mail to each contact from an audience. I need my Zap to fire for each e-mail sent. I can’t find that as an available trigger in the existing Zapier App integration with MailChimp.

Anyone has an idea or suggestion for me how to go around solving this? Oh the reason I need the Zap to fire for each e-mail is so that the record of the person is notated in our CRM via an API call (that’s the easy part; I just need the Zap triggered)




Hi @bubba198 

Good question.

Try this…

Zap trigger: Webhook - Catch Hook


In Mailchimp, go to your Audience > Settings > Webhooks

Choose the Campaign Sending event.

You’ll likely need to add a Filter step to your Zap to isolate the desired Campaign Sending substatus.

Help article:



@Troy Tessalone Thank you. That’s a good way to approach it. In terms of the filter - the Zapier “catch hook” URL is unique for each Zap, yes? So then each campaign will be firing a webhook to a unique URL (that’s the Zapier end point) so maybe I’m missing something but why would the filer be needed since each relationship between campaign and Zapier’s “catch hook” URL will be totally unique?

In other words no 2 campaigns firing webhooks could possibly use the same Zapier end point URL, right?





Yes, Zap webhook URLs are unique per Zap.

With the Mailchimp Webhook settings there is no option to specify the Campaign or Campaign Sending status (e.g. sent, delivered, opened, clicked, etc.), so you’ll get data for all Campaigns and all Campaign Sending statuses.

Therefore, the Filter step in the Zap can be used to isolate the desired Campaigns and sending statuses.




ok cool I get it now - however the webhook is married to an audience, NOT a campaign so is this issue (with the filter need) only relevant in the use case where multiple campaigns are sending to the same audience? 

That’s the one use case I can think of where the source (meaning which campaign) would be necessary to identify.

In other words if one has configured one-to-one ratio of campaign to audience the issue is moot, correct?





Best practice is to have 1 Audience in Mailchimp.

The webhook should include a data point for the Campaign that was sent.

Testing is often the only way to determine which data points are available.