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How do I show RSS Images instead of URLs in Notion?

  • 18 December 2023
  • 7 replies

I have a Zap currently set up to send updates from an RSS feed into our Notion database. When these new articles are posted in the Changelog (RSS), the images are posted in the article like screenshots. The RSS records the image URL so when the entry gets zapped into Notion, it’s just recording the URL, but I need it to show the actual image. 

I have looked at the formatter, but I am not sure which one to use, if any. 

How can I get it to send the actual images into the Notion page and not the URL? 

Example of how it pulls into Notion: 

This is how it’s recorded in the Changelog article (RSS) and how I need it to show as well inside Notion (as in text description then applicable screenshot follows directly below)


I would really appreciate any help on this I can get. I wasn’t able to find any other posts specific to this. Thank you!

Hi @rachelglaza 

Can you post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured?

Try this Zap action: Formatter > Text > Extract URL

Hi currently I don’t have any formatter in it, I just have the fields lined up with the Notion properties. 

I had looked into that URL extractor one first but it said it can only extract the first one. What do I do in the use case of there being multiple?




You may have to try workarounds in Notion to get a link to appear as an image, possibly via formula field or a Notion automation.


I can't see all fields in my Zap

Not all Notion property types are supported in Zapier.
These property types will not appear in your triggers or actions.
The following property types are not supported:
  • Files and media
  • Formulas
  • Relations
  • Rollups
  • Status

Since the images don’t get separated from the text in the RSS feed data, it all just gets fed into one field, which is the “description” - see below:

So I can only send the entire “article” content to one spot. I have it being sent into the page content, not into a property because property’s have character limits. I do have experience with formulas in Notion but I guess I am not entirely sure what needs to happen first in order to divide this box of text out to get all the image URLs first, then where to send them, and how to get them to actually link and appear where they should be. 


Markdown guide:




One of 2 things is likely happening:

Either the data from the RSS for the Description field contains Markdown for the links.

Or Notion is converting the links to Markdown.


Some options to possibly address the Markdown formatting:

  • Use a Zap Code step to find/replace
  • Use AI (e.g. ChatGPT/OpenAI) to prep the Description to find/replace
  • Use multiple Formatter steps to find/replace


Yes ok I am following, the RSS feed contains markdown then. I am a quick learner and didn’t know the language or concept of markdown yet so this is helpful so far thank you. 


So I tried adding the Zapier formatter for markdown > html but then got the error of it being greater than 2000 characters. I did a little search on markdown in Notion and this is what I read on images: 


Probably why it isn’t converting. I believe we do have an upgraded chat gpt acct I could integrate if needed. I could try to write a find & replace property in Notion but it’s a matter of where I get the content and then getting it back to the page so it’s not exactly fool proof or optimal on the Notion side. What do I need to do if I look at bringing in Chat GPT?


For the ChatGPT prompt you’d want to instruct it to replace instances of markdown links with just the link and provide examples for it to reference.


Make sure to read the requirements for using ChatGPT in Zaps: