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How do I create an add Google meet Event to Calendar button?

  • 1 October 2023
  • 4 replies


I would love to add a button in my emails that makes it super easy for people that have booked an event with me to add our event directly to their calendar.  Something like this:


Here is a visual idea of my flow, just for illustration purposes:

We got:
a) Data from the booking page with date, time, google meet link and more
b) A google meet event (automatically scheduled) in my own Google calendar with all data for our upcoming meeting.

How do I use this to make it easy for the person who gets my email to add our google meeting directly to their calendar?

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4 replies

Userlevel 1

@C needs help You will need to incorporate .ics file in the emails that you send through your Zap. 

  1. You will need to create .ics file.
  • There are online tools that you can google where you can fill in your event details, and it will generate an .ics file for you.
  • In many calendar applications like Google Calendar or Apple Calendar, you can create an event and then export it as an .ics file. For example, in Google Calendar, create your event, click on the options menu of the event (three vertical dots), and choose "Export event".
  • If you have programming skills, you can use a library in a language like Python to generate .ics files. For instance, you might use the ics library in Python.
  1. Upload the .ics file to a server or a cloud service like Dropbox or Google Drive where it can be accessed via a link.
  1. In your email, create a button using HTML code. Here’s a basic example:
<a href="URL_OF_YOUR_ICS_FILE" target="_blank">
<button style="padding: 10px 20px; font-size: 16px; cursor: pointer;">Add to Calendar</button>
  • Replace URL_OF_YOUR_ICS_FILE with the link to the .ics file you hosted.
  1. Incorporate this button into the emails you send out to your attendees via Zapier. When they click the "Add to Calendar" button, they will be able to download the .ics file and add the event to their calendar.

Hope it helps!
It's AI Thomas.

Userlevel 1

Thank you so much!

This sounds like a great manual solution, and it definitely give me an better idea.


Html button code is great! 


... But I need all steps to be automatic.😆


Using Python or JavaScript to turn the data from my trigger inti a .Ics file, could maybe work! 🤔




Userlevel 1

I can manually, super easy, export a .ics file from my google calendar.


Just not sure how to set that up in my zap flow? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @C needs help! 👋

Yes, manually exporting the .ics file is definitely not the best approach here as you’d need to then manually create an ICS file for each event. There was a similar question asked in the Community a while back which gives a workaround for getting a Zap to automatically create the .ics file for each event which I think would work well for you here: 

Then, if using the previous button code example that It's AI Thomas shared you’d replace the “URL_OF_YOUR_ICS_FILE” part with the link to the ICS file that was generated:

<a href="URL_OF_YOUR_ICS_FILE" target="_blank"> <button style="padding: 10px 20px; font-size: 16px; cursor: pointer;">Add to Calendar</button> </a>

Hope that helps to get you pointed in the right direction. Please do keep us updated on how you get on!