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How do I connect both a Stripe Live account and Test Account?

I have already connected my live Stripe account.

But when I go to connect my test account, I can’t find an option to add my test keys.  I even accidentally created a NEW Stripe account entirely in my attempt.

When I get to the “Select the account you'd like to connect to Zapier” step, I’m given only one account option.

Connecting it anyway, I have verified this is my LIVE account.

I have even tried connecting while logged into Stripe with “test mode” toggled.

How do I get to a step that lets me add my test keys?

Hi @konrad_alan 


We apologize for the inconvenience. I’ve added your vote for this feature request. We’ll update via email once available. Thanks!

This has been 3+ months, when will it arrive? It is not an inconvenience, you took away a feature that allows people to test a critical system. Webhook’s are not a reasonable alternate path.

Hi @Growmotely 


I’ve added your vote for this feature request and we’ll send you an email once available. 

Please add my vote as well. We provide demos of this functionality to our prospects and customers in promotion of them using your tool. Not being able to use test mode is very painful. I’ll test out the webhooks but still, this means we are NOT able to show customers what the zap would look like in real time. Please add this to the short term roadmap!



Hi @SEs 


I’ve added your vote for this feature request, we’ll update you via email once available. Thanks!

+1 vote for me to received update

Hi @Flo0119 


I’ve added your vote for this feature request and we’ll notify you via email once available. Thanks!

Add my vote please. Yikes.

Hi @DMace 

I’ve added your vote for this feature request, we’ll keep this thread update and email you once available. Thanks!

Sorry to be another +1 on this thread, @jammer.solijon, but definitely a critical piece of functionality for us. Could I be kept up to date on that feature request as well?

With pleasure @cdwyer. I’ve added your vote for this feature request and we’ll send you an email regarding with an update with this request.

Add my vote too please

Hi @Rom1 

I’ve added your vote for this feature request and we’ll send you an email regarding with an update with this request.

hi! please, add my vote too! +1


Hi @yubi 

I’ve added your vote for this feature request and we’ll send you an email regarding with an update with this request.

hi jammer.solijon ! thanks a lot!!

please, do you know, or the team, how this development is going? will it be released soon? or there will be quite some time to wait for it?


Please add me to the list as well. And thank you @nicksimard for the webhooks workaround!

Hi @Linus 

I’ve added your vote for this feature request and we’ll send you an email regarding with an update with this request.

This is a really important feature that I am also looking at. Could you add my vote? 


Hi @Growthfamily 

I’ve added your vote for this feature request and we’ll send you an email regarding with an update with this request.

+1 vote. Hope to see this soon!

Hi @10basetom 

I’ve added your vote for this feature request and we’ll send you an email regarding with an update with this request.


I know this isn’t the ideal way of doing it, but you can actually use Stripe webhooks + our Webhooks by Zapier app as the trigger. That way you can easily test things out, since you just have to toggle on test mode in Stripe :)

When you’re logged into Stripe, you’d go here (make sure to select Test Mode):

Choose which event(s) you want to capture, and enter the URL provided by Webhooks by Zapier (Catch Hook) in the Endpoint URL box that Stripe gives you:

Once you’ve created your Zap, you should be able to un-toggle test mode, create a webhook in your live environment and point it to the same Zapier webhook URL. All the fields *should* stay the same (make sure to double-check when you get a live transaction).

Some of our competitors actually just use webhooks rather than authenticating with Stripe at all. It’s definitely one approach, then you’re not limited by the triggers that we have for Stripe :)

Hope that helps!

This would be a great alternative solution if only Webhooks by Zapier wasn’t Premium 😅

+1, it’s been seven months with no update now and I’m stuck at exact this issue, pls fix :) 

Hi @Growmotely 

I’ve added you vote for this feature request, we’ll keep this thread update and email you once available. Thanks!

+1, I am also stuck with this situation because I dont want use the real data before testing.