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GoogleSheet - Lookup not finding row

  • 10 March 2021
  • 2 replies

Hi everyone,


I hope you could help me because I have been stuck with my zap for 2 days. My goal is to update a googlesheet when I have a new row. For this, I have 

  • 1 sheet with my country
  • 1 correspondance sheet (in the same document) with the country and the territory associated.

I manage to create my zap and with the help of the LOOKUP action the right form, sheets, columns and data are found. Howevere when I want to test and continue my zap I have an error message saying there id no data (see attachment). I don’t undretsand why because in the steps above Zapier was “showing” me the right data, so it could be read.


Can anyone please help me?


Thank you in advance,

Best regards,



Can you show us a screenshot of the setup tab for that step - where you're mapping the fields. It looks like something isn’t quite right there.

Hey @SocoCom!

Were you able to resolve this? Is the Lookup action working for you now?