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Gocardless & Lexoffice

  • 22 March 2021
  • 1 reply


for a better sales experience i want to connect GoCardless with my accounting software Lexoffice. 

Here is the workflow i trying to achieve:
1. I send the client a GoCardless paylink
2. They fill out the form
3. the client receives the invoice by email (send wtih Lexoffice)


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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hi @Mark Schneidermann ,

Great question! The GoCardLess & Lexoffice apps are currently no supported by Zapier. However, to get such an automation you can develop these Zapier apps and integrate them in a Zap (workflow). Looking at their API’s this should not be an issue, but it requires proper planning, details etc.

My team of developers and I would be happy to assist you on this. I will send you a private message with a link to schedule in a quick call.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.