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Formatter: Split Text not including blank values

  • 16 December 2021
  • 6 replies

I am trying to use Formatter to split a string of 6 test responses and have encountered the problem that if a test is not complete, the value is empty. So a typical response might be:


clear, clear, , ,clear, clear

I need the response to be:

0: clear
1: clear
4: clear
5: clear

But instead I just get 1-4 = clear

Any ideas on how to solve for this within formatter, or is there a code alternative (am not really a coder!)

Hi @PeterCera 

Try using Formatter > Utilities > Text to Line Items:

Sadly @Troy Tessalone that just gives this:




   1 Clear


    1 Clear


    1 Clear


     1 Clear


I tried this:


And got this:



Or you can use a Javascript Code step like this;




Hi @Troy Tessalone this is great thanks, an works - but when I go to plug in a response into a google sheet update lower down the Zap, the field available to me from the code step still reads like an array of Result (Clear,clear,,clear,clear) - I can’t figure out how to, for example just extract the 5th item (“Clear”) which corresponds to the field I’m trying to populate. Thanks so much for your thoughts



Give this Javascript Code a try:


The code returns a Set object with each option as it’s own data point.