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File naming protocol on upload to drive

  • 12 April 2021
  • 2 replies

Re. Autosave new attachments from Gmail to Google Drive.


I’m applying this zap to emails which all have the same format (they’re auto-generated by another piece of software). Within the body of the email is the name I would like to give the file/attachment. For example:


Body text of the email message reads: “Your document <N001> has been approved.”

Then I would like the file name for the attachment to be “N001”


Is it possible to set a naming protocol where the zap can identify the “N001” from the body of the email and make this the filename for the attachment when it uploads it?




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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @nmharrower 

Try these Zap steps

  1. Trigger: Gmail New Attachment
  2. Action: Formatter > Text > Split (split at “Your document ”)
  3. Action: Formatter > Text > Split (split at “ has been approved.”)
  4. Action: GDrive Upload File



Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Hey @nmharrower, hope you’re well, I just wanted to check in here! :)

Were you still needing help here, or were you able to get things working with the info from Troy?