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Facebook Pages - Unsupported get Request

I’m having issues with Facebook pages side of things with Zapier. I have been using Zapier for well over a year now, and it has been running these zaps no problems. now and again I have to reconnect my Facebook account but that’s the same with any software. 

However last night  had a few Zaps error with the following: 

  • (#2) Service temporarily unavailable
  • Unsupported Get Request

And then this morning All of my Zaps were auto shut off by Zapier after getting repeated errors all stating ‘Unsupported Get Request’


About The Zap

With my Zaps I am simply triggering when a new Facebook post goes live on a page and then posting it to a different page.


Things I have tried:

I have tried to go into the Zaps to see whats going on and it seems to be the trigger thats causing the main issues, it just cant pull any samples stating the same error message.

I have tried reconnecting the Facebook account, I have totally removed permissions for Zapier from Facebook, deleting the connection from Zapier and then reading it - no luck.

I have also tried connecting an alternative Facebook account but I am getting the same error message.

I have tried creating a totally new Zap and i’m getting the same error message.


If anyone has any ideas on how to resolve this I would be extremely grateful

@npatel I’m sorry that you’re having trouble with your Zap - this doesn’t look the same as the original issue that was reported, with most users seeing the ‘Unsupported Get request’ error message. Is this a new Zap that you’ve made or an existing one that’s stopped working?

Hi @moon I'm sorry that you're having some trouble with your Zap, could you let me know what trigger you're using? That will let me know what our next steps are here.


i use discord and facebook trigger
and also sorry for the late

@moon The issue with the Facebook Pages trigger has been resolved and the majority of users are finding that their Zaps are now working as they should. 

If you’re still having an issue with yours please could you try reconnecting your Facebook account in the Zap/s and trying again?

@moon The issue with the Facebook Pages trigger has been resolved and the majority of users are finding that their Zaps are now working as they should. 

If you’re still having an issue with yours please could you try reconnecting your Facebook account in the Zap/s and trying again?

i see but now facebook group is having some problem


Hi folks! As this issue is now resolved, I’m going to close this post to new replies.

If you’re having trouble with a Facebook Pages Zap (or anything else) please create a new post in Ask. the Community with as many details as possible, so that we can help 🙂 


@moon I’ve split your reply to a new post here

@npatel I’ve turned your reply into a new post here