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When I post something to IG, I want that post to also appear on my Twitter account with the caption, a link to the IG post, the image of the IG post, and all of the hashtags (about 50 characters) included in the caption. I understand I would need to truncate the caption to fit everything, but how can I keep the hashtags while truncating the caption? 

Hi @u2que,

You can do it in two ways:

  • Standard Formatter
    • You need to use a separator between your caption and hashtags like this ‘|’ sign
    • Then in Zapier use formatter Split to split caption and hashtags by specifying your separator, in this case ‘|’.
    • Use formatter Truncate function to shorten the caption
    • Use another formatter Truncate function to shorten the Hashtags if needed
    • Then in the Twitter action put the two outputs from the formatter steps.
  • Python/JS
    • With Code step, you can do all of these things in one action.

Just checking in to see if you still need help with this?