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Digistore 24 to Hubspot

  • 23 April 2021
  • 4 replies

Hi Guys,

we are currently using Digistore24 as an online payment solution and Hubspot as our Sales CRM. I now want to update our deals in hubspot, whenever a purchase / payback is registered in digistore24. 

This should be the Zap:

Now the problem:

Whenever i want to Set up the action the field “object ID” is required to be filled in. But i dont want to change this value, cause its a unique ID already given by hubspot refferring the deal. 

I only want to update the deal regarding the amount...

...and the mail. Because i guess thats how the correct deal gets identified in first place

Can someone help me? 

Thanks in advance :)

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @tio 

As Step 2 in the Zap, try adding this search: HubSpot - Find Deal.

Then map the found Deal ID to the Object ID in the HubSpot Update Deal step.


Userlevel 1

Hi Troy, 

thanks for your swift answer. Could you specify Step 2 for me? I do find the “find deal” option, but which fields i use in this step exactly.

I understand that the email from the digistore deal should connect to the hubspot deal, since they should have the same mail-adress. But i cant figure out how to connect the steps.

Thanks in advance @Troy Tessalone 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


I’m guessing Contacts are linked to Deals in HubSpot, so you’ll actually need to do a Find Contact step first (search by email), then use the Find Associations to returned the associated Deals for the found Contact.


  1. Trigger: Digistore24 - New Order Event
  2. Action: HubSpot - Find Contact
  3. Action: HubSpot - Find Associations (Deals for a Contact)
  4. Action: HubSpot - Update Deal



Userlevel 1

Worked like a charm! Thanks @Troy Tessalone