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Custom fields in Invoices

  • 24 August 2020
  • 3 replies

Hi. I am trying to populate custom fields in my invoices whilst creating a new invoice upon booking in an appointment using Acuity. However although I can pull through custom fields information into the Contact Details - there seems to be no way of filling them in invoices. Any ideas?

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hello there! Can I ask what platform you are trying to create invoices in? 

Please can you share screenshots of where you are getting stuck?

Userlevel 1

Hi - I’m using Chrome 

There are simply no custom fields being pulled through from Zoho Invoice


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @QueenSweep!

I looked into this and it seems to be the case that custom fields are not currently supported in the Create Invoice action (though I can see that they *are* available in Create Contact).

I've gone ahead and added your vote for this feature request. If this gets added, you’ll be notified via email!