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Can't add Basecamp 3 users or collaborators using Zapier automation

  • 30 September 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi there,


I am trying to automate the adding of users in our basecamp account to a project generated after submission of an airtable form.


The users already have accounts but for some reason aren’t showing up (see attachment below).


I have also tried finding the user id in a preliminary step, but when i try to invite via basecamp user id, it still doesnt work.


Is there something I am missing here? Or does Basecamp not allow for the automated addition of full users (admin) and collaborators (standard users) to projects.


This seems like a basic function that should be accounted for because creating projects and inviting the same people over and over can be tedious.


Hope someone can get back to me!





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Hey there, @andrewmbrindle! Great question and appreciate ya reaching out in the community!

Are you able to clarify your full workflow for us here? Specifically, the proceeding trigger and action steps prior to adding the user? 

It sounds like a search step may be required but knowing the steps prior to this may help troubleshoot a bit more. Thanks so much and looking forward to digging into this with you! 🤗